Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Crafting and Comparisons

In an effort to "get involved", I awoke at 6:00 am to head down to BYU Racing to work on the Hybrid Racer for a few hours before class.  Although my status currently, is somewhat equivalent to peon; the other students working there are quite willing to explain things.  I was able to continue with the hands-on projects at 4:00 this afternoon where I helped out with the GEO (Global Engineering Outreach) club, constructing somewhat of a toilet for villagers living on islands of reeds in Peru.  I am grateful for being able to build things.
I also LOVE analogies; and so it was with great excitement that I listened to the analogy of "The Miners and the Atonement" during Institute.  Bro. Harker referenced the recently rescued miners in Peru, and compared their situation, and the happenings associated with it, to the Atonement.  Think about it.  It is a wonderful comparison.  (If you need some help with it, just think of us as the miners, and the cave they were stuck in as sin.  You should be able to launch from there.)  I am grateful for analogies.

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